How to clean + disinfect your home while having someone infected with Covid-19 in your home?

Source: CDC

First things first, have a separate bedroom and bathroom for a person who is sick (when possible). Every member of your home should wear a mask including the one(s) infected or not infected.

If the infected person is able to clean:

  • Provide a dedicated set of cleaning + disinfecting supplies, e.g. disinfectants, tissues, paper towels, etc.
  • Ensure to clean and disinfect surfaces and items after each use.

If the infected person is not able to clean:

  • Provide a dedicated set of cleaning + disinfecting supplies, e.g. disinfectants, tissues, paper towels, etc.
  • Ensure to clean and disinfect surfaces and items after each use.

If the infected person is not able to clean:

Before entering the room, put on a mask, wear gloves and ask the sick person to put on a mask.

  • Only clean and disinfect the area around the person who is sick when needed to limit contact with the person who is sick.
  • Open windows or outside doors (balcony) and use fans, heating ventilation and air purifier with HEPA filter.

When cleaning the dishes after the infected person is done eating:

  • Wear gloves and mask while handling the dishes and utensils.
  • Wash the dishes and utensils with dish soap and hot water.
  • Immediately wash your gloves and hands after handling.

When cleaning the trash used/from the room of the infected person:

  • Use a dedicated trash can and line it with a plastic bag.
  • Use gloves and mask when removing the garbage bags and disposing the trash.
  • Wash your gloves with hot water and immediately wash your hands after disposing the trash.

How do you clean and disinfect the different types of surfaces?

Soft surfaces (e.g. carpet, rugs, drapes, cushions, etc.):

  • Clean soft surfaces with soap and water or with disinfecting solutions/cleaners.
  • Launder items using warm water (per instruction) and dry items completely.
  • Vacuum as usual and always, always wear a mask if the infected person is closeby when you are cleaning.


  • Use the warmest and appropriate water setting and dry your clothes completely.
  • When handling the laundry of an infected person, wear gloves and mask.
  • Clean the clothes hampers or laundry baskets according to the surface with disinfectant.
  • Always wash your hands after handling dirty laundry.

Electronics and Gadgets:

  • To make cleaning and disinfecting easier, consider using a wipeable cover on electronics.
  • Spray tissue with a disinfecting solution and wipe on the gadgets.
  • Ensure to not overspray or use too much liquid and dry immediately with dry tissue.

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