How to Care for Your Decorative Pillows

Embarking on a thorough spring cleaning regime? Consider the upkeep of your decorative pillows. These accents, often neglected in routine cleaning due to their seemingly maintenance-free allure, actually accumulate dust, stains, pet hair, and other residues over time. Cleaning your pillows doesn’t have to be a daunting task—with the right approach and some simple cleaning tools, it can be quite straightforward.

Check the Manufacturer’s Instructions

The initial step in proper pillow maintenance is to determine the best care method for your items. Most pillows come with a label detailing maintenance recommendations. While dry cleaning is often advised for decorative pillows, you can also perform spot treatments, dusting, and fluffing as necessary.

Begin with a Soft Vacuuming

Utilizing a soft vacuuming technique is a proactive measure in pillow maintenance, preventing the accumulation of dirt, debris, and dust. Next time you’re tidying up your living space, don’t forget to gently vacuum your sofa and pillows using the vacuum’s lightest setting, preferably without a brush attachment. A gentle shake can also be beneficial for the more delicate pillows.

Make Sure to Fluff Them

Pillows can appear differently after being used for relaxation. An essential maintenance routine is to fluff your pillows regularly, helping to refresh both the cushion and its fabric cover. This simple act, along with a good shake or a hand brush, is crucial in maintaining the pillow’s original shape and appearance.

Handle Spills Gently

In the event of spills, such as wine or coffee, it’s important to remain calm and blot the area gently with a soft cloth and a bit of water, followed by dabbing with a dry cloth to remove the stain. Allow the pillow to air dry completely. The key is to avoid harsh cleaning agents on sensitive materials.

Consider the Placement

As self-proclaimed decorative pillow connoisseurs, we recognize that some materials thrive in specific settings, influenced by both the environment and your lifestyle. While no pillow remains pristine indefinitely, choosing the right location based on material is crucial. For instance, cotton-velvet and hand-knotted pillows withstand daily wear well, whereas hand-printed or fully-embroidered pillows might be better suited for bedrooms or formal areas.

When Unsure, Opt for Proffesional Dry Cleaning

To ensure a prolonged and vibrant life for your pillows within your home, dry cleaning is strongly recommended. Beyond spot cleaning, professional cleaning every six months or as necessary for thorough care is the best strategy to maintain the fabric’s quality and keep your pillows looking their best.

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