How to Care for Your Bamboo Products (e.g. trays, baskets, etc.)

With a little care and gentle cleaning, the natural fibers of wicker products will look good over the years. Maintaining your bamboo products enhances its durability and allows extra protection. Follow these tips to clean and care for your bamboo products at home!

  1. Do Not – 

Place them under direct sunlight, or in damp/wet places.
If left unattended, bamboo pieces can get moldy and affect the quality and looks of the products!
πŸ’‘ Tips: Diligently check for mold, and immediately remove any with lemon oil or a solution of vinegar and water and spray onto bamboo.

2. Do –

Quickly clean up stains as soon as you see them.
Moving quickly is the key to dealing with stains on bamboo pieces.
πŸ’‘ Tips: Always blot at spills rather than rubbing, so you can lift the stain rather than accidentally rubbing it in. Use a damp cloth and a mild cleanser to clean up messes. But make sure to never soak your bamboo under water.

3. Do Not – 

Apply harsh soap that contains harsh chemicals to your bamboo pieces. If you plan on doing a gentle cleaning of your bamboo pieces, harsh soaps can bleach and discolor the bamboo. 
Use a mild dishwashing soap, harsh soap can bleach your bamboo or discolor it.
πŸ’‘ Tips: Use mild soaps to clean and dry them immediately after you clean your bamboo pieces.

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