How to actually enjoy Working From Home

With the new year finally here and yet, a lot of us are still here, working from home. No one can really assure you that we will soon be back to the way of life we had before. Although many of us may have managed to find the rhythm, working from home for a longer time is another challenge. For those of you who, just like some of us—will most possibly start the new year working from home, here are a few ways to make WFH more bearable and even enjoyable.

1.      Arrange a proper break time

Breaktime can be the most treasured moment while working at home all day. Sure, our movements are limited, but it also means we can make our own little feast at home. Spare an hour in the middle of your working day, and sip some tea while listening to your favorite album. Preparing some special snacks and enjoying them with the family is also a nice way to find calm on a busy day.

2.      Set daily goals

One of the challenges of working at home is we often lose track of the time, especially when things get mixed up between work and life. Before you know it, time passes and it’s the end of the week already. Setting your daily goals can help you stay focused finishing one thing at a time and keep you on your schedule.

3.      Invite your friends for a virtual work-along

Working at home actually gives you more personal space in terms of work and more time to spend with your family. It even gives you more room to interact with other people, although virtually. A great plan to have a fun time while staying productive: set a virtual work-along session with your friends. It’s an emotionally supporting moment where you can catch up, share some thoughts, or simply remind yourself that you are connected.

4.      Stretch every two hours

Although it doesn’t seem much, taking the time to stretch your body every two hours for 10 minutes can help you feel refreshed in the middle of a heavy working session. Letting the blood flow and relaxing the muscles for a while is great to ease the weariness after staying in the same position for a long time. This is also a good way to help you tune a consistent interval while working.

5.      Re-build your own working space

If you’ve been working from home for quite some time, you might have already gotten a hang of it. However, do you have a proper working space yet? Filled with an ergonomic chair and ample office desk to get you to work productively! 

To save yourself from the boredom of working at the very same spot every day, rearranging your working space can be a refreshing way. Start small by changing your stationary arrangement on your desk or changing your seating direction. If you’re looking for something bigger, giving a new touch to your working space is not half bad. You can look for inspiration for a new decoration by browsing through the decoration category on our website.

Those are the tips that may help you get through a (probably) longer WFH period. Working from home can be draining at times. It’s a lot to handle, but with some adjustments and a sense of togetherness, we can find the balance between our responsibility and our preference for the situation around us. 

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